b. 3 Feb 1932, Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii
d. 7 Apr 2024, 4600 Evergreen Pl. S, Albany OR 97322, age: 92
Cem. Kaahumanu Society; Lot 54, Sec. 436; Owner: Rose Farm (She is not there, just her marker)
LL. *21.333868, -157.866373
cod. Atrial Fibrillation with RVR, Non ST elevated myocardial infarction, thrombus of aorta, ischemia and infarction of kidney, Pulmonary emboli
ali. KAY, Kekela, & Grama
occ. Assembler, Dispatching and Regulating flow of work to girls on the line for Signetics making $2.25/hr. in Feb. 1962